Gun Show 16.11.-17.11.2024

Market for collectors and enthusiasts is open at 10.00 to 15.00.

The autumn auction of  The Finnish Arms Historic Society is arranged on Saturday, 16th of November 2024. The auction is located at SPORT & SPA HOTEL VESILEPPIS, address Vokkolantie 1, 79100 Leppävirta. 

The autumn auction photos of most of the items are available here: 2_2024 LEPPIS B

The arms historic exhibition is open during both days. 


GUN SHOW 2023 28th to 29th October – Welcome

Historical shooting competition 6.8.2023

The Arms Historic Society of Finland organize annually historical shooting competition and other shooting events to test skills in a variety of black powder and traditional firearms. Competitive activities are an integral part of the history of weapons, and it is marked as one of the activities of our club in the rules of the association.

It is also possible for non-SAHS members to participate in the competitions. The 2023 shooting competitions will be held on August 6, 2023 at the Seppälä shooting range in Kalvola, Iittala. Invitations to the competition will be published both on this site and in Ase-lehti magazine. 

Location:Seppälä Shooting range, Ahvenuslammentie 9, 14500 Iittala

Historical Shooting Competition Rules 1.5.2022

Competition categories

301 Breech-Loading Black Powder Rifle
Position: standing
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

302 Flintlock Musket
Position: standing
Distance: 50 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

303 Percussion Vetterli
Position: standing
Distance: 50 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

304 Military Rifle 100 Years
Military rifles that are original and over 100 years old. (Approved in 2023: rifles manufactured in or before 1922.)
Position: prone
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

305 Military Rifle 50 Years
Military rifles that are original and over 50 years old. (Approved in 2023: rifles manufactured in or before 1972.)
Position: prone
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

306 Military Rifle, 6+7
Military rifles that are original and manufactured in or before 1945.
Position: 6 shots prone and 7 shots standing
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

307 Military Sniper Rifle
Military rifles that are original and manufactured in or before 1945.
An original scope of that era is allowed, which was manufactured in 1945 or before.
Position: prone
Distance: 200 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

308 Air Rifle
Caliber 0,30 inch or more.
Position: standing
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

401 Breech-loading black powder pistol
Breech-loading black powder pistols and revolvers
Position: standing, one handed
Distance: 25 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

402 Percussion Revolver
Percussion black powder revolvers
Position: standing, one handed
Distance: 25 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

403 Military Pistol
Military Pistols and revolvers that are original and manufactured in or before 1945.
Position: standing, one handed
Distance: 25 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

404 Pocket Pistol
Pocket pistols and revolvers that fit into a 130mm x 180mm box.
Position: standing, one handed
Distance: 25 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

405 Vest Pocket Pistol
Vest pocket pistols and revolvers that fit into a 130mm x 90mm box, when shooting condition.
Position: standing, one handed
Distance: 25 m
Shots: 13, best 10 shots to score
Time: 30 min

501 Submachine Gun, 5+5+5
Military submachine guns that are original and manufactured in or before 1945.
Position: prone, kneeling and standing, mandatory reload when changing
the position
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 15 (5+5+5), best 10 shots to score, 3 magazines where 5 rounds loaded each.
Time: 1 min, including position changes and reloads.

601 Light Machine Gun, 5+5+5
Military light machine guns that are original and manufactured in or before 1945. The bipod shall be original.
Position: prone
Distance: 100 m
Shots: 15, best 10 shots to score, 3 magazines where 5 rounds loaded each.
Time: 1 min, including position changes and reloads.

More information of competition and categories by email

The Arms Historic Society of Finland SAHS course in national cultural heritage 12.7.2023

SAHS course in national cultural heritage 2023

The Arms Historic Society of Finland arrange a course in national cultural heritage. The tema is local prominence of light machine guns in Finland; LS-26, DP-27 and BAR-18

Time: Wednesday 12.7.2023 at 16.00-19.00
Location:Seppälä Shooting range, Ahvenuslammentie 9, 14500 Iittala
Equipment: Clothing suitable for the weather and eye and ear protection. Own lunch.
Additional information: Assistant to the course leader Kalle Seppälä, phone 050 5373424


TAMARMS 2023 February 19th Wellcome

SAHS SPRING AUCTION on Sunday 29.5.2022 at 12.00

Auctions – Next auction: SAHS SPRING AUCTION on Sunday 29.05.2022 at 12.00
The spring auction of The Finnish Arms Historic Society is arranged on Sunday 29th of May, 2022 starting at 12.00 in Iisalmi. The auction is located at Iisalmi, address Kirkkopuistonkatu 9, 74100 Iisalmi.

The spring auction photos of most of the items are available here: HK_2022_IISALMI_A3 2852022


SAHS arranges gun and militaria auctions normally twice a year. Auctions are open to the public. Items for sale can be studied before the auction.

Photos of most of the items are available on our webpages. You can leave your items for sale, also.

Buyer pays the final price added with 13 % auction commission for SAHS. Cash and debit cards accepted at the auction site.

Prebidding is possible via e-mail. Last minute to leave offer is at 9.00 pm. previous night before the auction. No later bids will be noticed. Please notice that you must receive verification of your offer, unverified offers have not been received in time.

Written bids: either kirjallinentarjous(at) or via our web pages.

After last bid SAHS is not responsible of items sold. Guns and ammo are sold only for collection purposes, not for use. For paperwork, you have three months to collect your licensed gun. Buyer is responsible of all expences after buying the items. (If items will be delivered by SAHS, buyer pays for packaging, export licenses, transportation costs etc.)

For more information, write to huutokaupat (at)