Export instructions for foreign customer and costs
Export instructions for foreign customer
1. Documents that you must provide to get firearms to destination country
– Import permission from authorities of the destination country (countries outside EU region)
– Prior informed consent from authorities of the destination country (countries inside EU region)
– End-user certificate (EUC2) in all cases. The official stamp and signature of the authority of the destination country are found on page two of the EUC2 document. This document proofs that the end-user is certified and competent to handle and possess firearms listed on the end-user certificate.
– Copy of the end-user passport.
– Copy of the invoice/invoices containing the products
– All the original (no copies) documents must be delivered by post in one envelope at once. NOT by email or by any other means. NOT in several envelopes at different times. – Every export/transfer permit is processed individually by Finnish authorities. It’s NOT possible to merge several permits on one application.
2. Costs
Every application is charged under tariff defined by Finnish authorities.
Tariff 2021:
– Commercial export permit (outside EU region) 135 €
– Commercial export permit (inside EU region) 40 €
– Export/transfer permit granted by Finnish Ministry of Defense 150 €
– Transfer permit for private individual 35 € per item + 36 € per transfer permit The Arms Historic Society of Finland tariff for handling and packing costs
– Packing and handling 5 € per item, however minimum of 50 € per delivery.
– Wooden packing box (500x350x1420mm) 90 € VAT 0%
– Other packing materials or special requests are charged case by case.
Export instructions for foreign customer